David A. Sutton

Magazines & Small Press Publications


Voices from Shadow
Edited by David Sutton, Shadow Publishing & Airgedlamh Publications 1994. Celebrates the 20th anniversary of my small press magazine, Shadow Fantasy Literature Review (1968-1974). Updated reprints from the magazine on Robert Aickman, Virgil Finlay, C. L. Moore, H. P. Lovecraft, William Morris and the psychic investigator in fiction. Artwork by Jim Pitts, Virgil Finlay, Alan Hunter and others. £3.99. Copies still available, please contact me.
On the Fringe for Thirty Years: A History of Horror in the British Small Press
Edited by David Sutton, Shadow Publishing 2000.
Reviews the distinctive decades during which horror in the UK small press developed. In the 30 years since 1965, the independent presses and the small press 'empires' such as The British Fantasy Society and The Haunted Library receive a much overdue appraisal by an editor and author who was in the thick of it. £3.50
ISBN 0953903206. Copies still available, please contact me.
The Shore
By David A. Sutton, Published by Robert Ensor/Rejection Press.
A psychedelic, post nuclear war poem in five verses. This was published around 1966. SBN 90335800X.
Robert Ensor also published a poetry magazine called 'Gargantua' during the late sixties.

Shadow: Fantasy Literature Review
Edited by David Sutton
I designed and edited Shadow from 1968-1974, publishing 21 issues in total. Originally a hand-duplicated fanzine, I moved to litho printing from issue 18. Two covers are shown here, artwork by Jim Pitts and Dave Fletcher.
Shadow featured in depth articles on all aspects of horror and fantasy fiction, author profiles, book reviews, fiction and artwork. My aim with the magazine was to publish knowledgeable articles on all aspects of the genre, along with reviews of new horror and fantasy books. As a small press magazine it provided the other side of the small press in the 70s in dealing with horror fiction rather than horror films and Science Fiction.
William Hope Hodgson: A Centenary Tribute 1877-1977
Edited by David Sutton. The British Fantasy Society Booklet No. 2, 1977.
Masters of Fantasy 3: M. R. James
Edited by Richard Dalby, Designed by David Sutton. The British Fantasy Society Booklet No.10, 1987.
Two of the booklets I produced for the BFS. The Hodgson item contained two short stories by the author, 'The Riven Night' and 'The Phantom Ship', plus 'W. H. Hodgson: His Life and Work' by Peter Tremayne. Cover art by Stephen Jones, interiors by Jim Pitts. For the James book, editor Richard Dalby chose 'A School Story' and 'Ghosts - Treat them Gently' by James, 'In the Footsteps of M. R. James' by Rosemary and Daroll Pardoe, plus 'The Ghost Stories of M. R. James' and a selected bibliography by Richard Dalby. Artwork was by Alan Hunter, Alan Koszowski, Jim Pitts, Dave Carson and with a cover by Stephen Jones.